Why Automatically Install a Monitoring Agent!

There are many modes of thought when it comes to controlling assets on a network. It is true, it does depend on which network we are talking about. If it is a home network or a shared network, then the assets on that network should not be controlled in the same way as a network…

Why Asset Discovery Needs to be Automatic Across all Customers!

As an MSP/MSSP you must deal with many different issues and fires every day. You must also deal with malicious actors that plague your customers’ weakest entry points. You ensure that each and every end point is as secure as possible by scanning and patching operating systems, software, and even device drivers. What about when…

What’s in a Patch

-Derek Melber Patching has to be one of the most fundamental security concepts in computing. There is a bug or security issue, so someone creates a fix for it and puts the fix in a file (called a patch), which when installed fixes the problem. Thus “patching” the system. So, why is “patching” such a…